Monday, February 6, 2012

07 January 2012 Recalled - fv

It seems I’ve rooted myself to some of the older poetic forms as I scan the list of poetry forms in my archive.  And the formality of my words is coming through, perhaps a bit too thick, so I thought I’d dust off one of my ‘other voices’, one which has been the driving force for three other ‘West Wind’ poems.  I think it’s time to revisit.  These poems tend to be a bit haunting, a bit nostalgic, and a bit melancholic.  
Oh yeah, and the song for the night is Sirenia’s ‘Save Me From Myself’.  
07 January 2012
Recalled - fv
Driftwood colored the window slats
clung to the door
and wormed the siding,
aging shadowed cobwebs,
catching dust,
catching two o’clock light;
a liquid pour
through missing panes
that spread the cracks
between the planks
that once creaked softly
beneath your bare feet.
Purple rhododendron grow
in the shadow of giant pines,
arching over the patched roof;
some slates have fallen in.
The rocking chair
on the front porch,
is long since covered in vines,
dreaming in wisteria
of yesterdays
when I still
could hear you call
my name;
I’ve missed you
and the nights are a hunger
that never leaves
The stony path
is a wandering trail
from the broken door,
 leading away,
down the mossy hill,
treading among branches,
behind which you’d watch,
catching  my breath
in the palm
of your kiss.
Dreams played percussion then,
delicate as the trillium––
white eyes of the forest
in spring.
Promise whispered,
lingered in your gentle laugh,
rippled the pond
hidden in the trees,
where the stone path
led us.
It was summer then,
always summer.
The fireplace is cold,
a dearth of embers
trying to recall
light limning your skin,
cradling the lines of your face,
furrowing the shadows
beneath your chin,
once leading
to deeper
Have you forgotten me?
Where have you gone?
Winds have not changed;
those from the west,
still haunt the cottage,
remind me of the porch,
and the chair,
where you’d rock,
The echoes are held 
listening for the refrain,
the chorus of sound
that always let me know;
that seasons
never pass,
with you.

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